FlashChat - Real-Time Chat Application

What is FlashChat?

FlashChat is a web application that allows you to chat in real-time with your friends all over the world.

All you need to do is create an account, send a friend request and (if it gets accepted) create a new chat.


  • User Authentication: Thanks to a PostgreSQL, users can easily register and login on this app, keeping track of their conversations!
  • OAuth 2.0: If you prefer, you can access this application by using your Google account.
  • Friend Requests: If you want to chat with a friend, all you have to do is to search for its name and send a friend request. Your friend will now have the power to choose to accept it or to refuse it.
  • Chatting: New chats can be created with your new friends.
  • Real-Time Messaging: By using a Socket, the messages are sent and received in real-time.
  • Built with
